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Details for China Bath Softener

Bath Softener

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Catalyst and Auxiliary/Textile Auxiliary Agent

Bath Softener
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Product description : Bath Softener , China Bath Softener , Bath Softener exporters, China Bath Softener Suppliers - hongxin


HX-836 Softening Agent

Product Introduction:
It is a newly improved product. During high temperature and high pressure process, it can maintain excellent lubricating effect for a long time and effectively reduce friction of fabric to fabric, and fabric to metal surface. With it, the fabrics in rope form are easier to spread or move. It is especially good for processing under difficult conditions, such as low bath ratio or heavy load of the winch and jet dyeing machine, and treating heavy, easy to wrinkle fabrics.

Appearance: Transparent viscous emulsion
Ionicity: anionic/non-ionic
PH: about 5(10% aqueous solution)
about 1.1(20ºC)
can be used together with anionic matter
Stability: highly stable in hard water, alkaline solution of normal concentration and electrolytes.

Product Properties:
1. It is easily absorbed to the fiber surface to form a slimy film, to reduce friction of fabric to fabric, fabric to metal surface..
2. During finishing, no permanent creases, abrasion marks or streaks are formed.
3. With it, fabric in rope form are easy to spread and move. Improve leveling property and uniformity of fabric appearance.
4. It donot harm the bath stability, so dyes do not agglomerate with no problems of dye spots and stains, etc.
5. There is no foam problem in jet dyeing machine, no damage to dyeing properties of any fabric.
6. It improves efficiency of Jet dyeing machine, winch, padder and drum dyeing machine.
7. With excellent stability to high temperature, it performs well at 130ºC.

Add HX-836 into warm water to dilute. Then add into the treatment bath. In order to get better effect, add HX-836 into bath before fabric.
According to the fiber composition or sensitivity and severity of abrasion marks and creases formed in the process, HX-836 can be added in the pre-treatment or before dyeing to obtain better effect.

Recommended dosage: 1-3g/L

Remarks: HX-836 is for wet finishing process, very effective to prevent creases formed during process of washing, squeezing, boiling, planking, flat laying, etc

Packing and Storage:
50Kg per plastic drum. Store and transport according to regulations on general chemicals.
Keep in a dry and well-ventilated place. Shelf time: 1year.


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